Monday, April 23, 2007

bUshes nO mOre........

I've been meaning 2 cut aRiff's overgrown bUsh above 4 quite sometime now...bukannye x de mase but we did bring him to a hair saloon ( chechewah..) tapi... to my dismay he refused to even sit..lagiler plak cutting his hair...hmmm....m'be bcoz he's so used to having his atuk yunus cut his hair.....x biase org lain meddle wif his overgrown n hard to manage mane....

laa....boring tul ariff nie...even tried coaxing him to have d haircut...but my attempts weren't put a stop to anymore 'pujuking'...ariff bluntly said..
" tak molah Ummie...tak mo potong rambut ayiep...kang nanti ayiep tak comey kan..kan..ummie.." hehe...dah ade atie nak comey2 plak...*smile*

his unmanageable hair is sooo ler merimaskan n invites confusion to is gender...dahler mate besar wif girlie lashes...rambut plak pjg n srabai...ppl kept thinking my ariff as arifah....though he is well dressed as an ariff...

putting an end to his bushy mane... had to ask his atuk yunus cut it...der....x bleyler fashionable lgsg...(dah tu..nak bwk proper hairdresser susah sgt,,)...let it be....
so now...ariff looks like more arifah...

trying my skill as a hairdresser aufa falls victim to my gatal hands...yelah...aufa's hair plak cam rumput tumbuh tak 'skate' n not enuff baja...seciput here n there....since its not fashionable enuff...i decided to follow d much loved icon of ppl nowadys...yup!!! i 'mawi'kan si kecik aufa,...hehe...he looks better now n cuter...terror jgk ummie nie bab2 mendogolkan ...anybody care to be the next victim??? *wink*

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